FaceOrFactory is a family, a corporation and a laboratory of faces, masks and new identities.
By creating a personal bio-digital collection of DNA samples and 3D facial scans of individual donors, FaceOrFactory aims to modulate a new facial structure as a potent data field, researching contemporary biometric surveillance, economy, genetics and scientific ideologies. During the process, a face is gradually developed as a complex territory of genetic, juridical, cosmetic, political and military power relations.
By means of an algorithm, specific selection of genetic sequences and phenotypes start forming biological and informational body-archive of the corporation, used and experimented in different research chapters. Based on informational input of new DNA donors, the artistic material is forever changing, thus constantly restructuring the process and conceptual direction of FaceOrFactory. This collection, in turn, slowly forms the model of 'faciality' as we understand it – as a territory, a battleground, a system, a machine.
FaceOrFactory is established as a long-lasting artistic research in the field of genetics, law, gaming, visual art, philosophy and critical theory. It is organised in the form of a corporative and artistic system with its own rules, rhetoric and visual language. Each year, a new chapter of the creative process explores different theoretical aspects of the face as a dense landscape of fabrication of the contemporary society, thus slowly builds the whole of autonomous ecosystem FaceOrFactory. These chapters of the project are usually presented in the form of exhibitions, texts and workshops, but are open in terms of exploring different forms, places and ways of establishing their dispersed platform.